Serverless Container Management Costs - AWS Fargate vs Google Cloud Run vs Azure Container Instances

March 15, 2022

Are you struggling to manage container costs? Are you looking for a serverless solution? Look no further! In this post, we will compare the serverless container management costs of three major cloud providers: AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run, and Azure Container Instances.

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is one of the most popular among users due to its ease of use and integration into the AWS ecosystem. Fargate automates the provisioning and management of containers, reducing infrastructure overheads.

Fargate allows users to pay per task, per second, which means they are billed for the actual time their container runs. We found that the hourly rate for Fargate starts at $0.04048 per vCPU and $0.004445 per GB of memory. This means that for a 1vCPU/512MB container, the hourly cost would be approximately $0.0226.

Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run promises to be fast to scale up, scale down and pay for use. Cloud Run pricing starts at $0.000024 per request, and that includes both CPU and memory. The drawback of the pricing model is that it becomes challenging to predict costs for a service, especially when there is unusual traffic.

In terms of cost-efficiency, Cloud Run is an affordable option for small-scale services or test environments. An example of their pricing is a 2CPU (4GB RAM) workload that processes 10,000 requests per week. The cost will be approximately $1.44 per week.

Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances (ACI) can run Docker containers with the same great pricing model as other Azure products. The pricing is based on the exact amount of compute consumption, so the billing is precisely proportional to the workload. ACI pricing starts at $0.0000125 per second per CPU and $0.000004 per second per GB of memory.

For example, suppose your container is running on a 2vCPU/8GB memory configuration for one hour, costs that you could expect would be around $0.0164.


All of the solutions we've mentioned have different costs, and the most suitable one for your project depends on your workloads.

If you are an AWS user, Fargate is a smarter choice due to its integration into AWS services. Google Cloud Run is an affordable on-demand option for workloads that don't have predictable loads. Lastly, if you need a cloud vendor-agnostic solution, consider Azure Container Instances due to its integration into Kubernetes.

We hope this helps you compare the costs of serverless container management on different cloud platforms.


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